You rely on your teeth for a lot more than you may realize — they impact your ability to eat, speak, and stay healthy.
Are you taking protective measures to keep your teeth healthy?
If your oral hygiene routine isn’t adequate, you may find yourself in the early stages of gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease and can lead to other oral health problems, such as periodontitis.
To keep your pearly whites looking their best, Bridge Creek Dental will walk you through what gingivitis is, the warning signs to watch out for, and the measures you can take to reverse the condition and strengthen your smile.
What is gingivitis?
Gingivitis is a gum disease that results in your red, swollen, uncomfortable or bleeding gums. This happens due to a buildup of plaque and tartar that isn’t properly cleaned from your teeth during your oral hygiene routine. As a result, bacteria growth can wreak havoc on the health of your teeth and gum.
Luckily, early-onset gingivitis is reversible when the individual takes proactive measures to fix their oral hygiene routine. If steps aren’t taken to reverse the condition, it can develop into more serious health concerns, including periodontitis.
The warning signs of gingivitis
Diagnosing your gingivitis is the first step to remedying the problem and improving the health of your smile. Schedule an appointment with your dentist for preventative dental care if you notice any of the following warning signs of early-onset gingivitis:
- Gum inflammation – If your gums are uncomfortable, red, swollen, or sensitive, it may be a sign that there are bacteria causing inflammation.
- Bleeding gums – As the gingivitis progresses and your gums become inflamed, you may also notice bleeding — especially while brushing or flossing.
- Receding gum lines – If your teeth look longer than normal, it may be a sign that your gums have started to recede due to the bacteria buildup.
- Chronic bad breath – Due to the buildup of plaque and bacteria in your mouth, it’s common for those with gingivitis to have chronic bad breath.
- Pus – A sure sign of an infection if your mouth is pus between your teeth and gums, indicating that the gingivitis may be causing another issue such as periodontal or gum abscess.
How to reverse gingivitis
If your dentist informs you that you have gingivitis, it’s no reason to panic. Instead, you have the opportunity to remedy the situation and take proactive measures to reverse your gingivitis.
To prevent your condition from progressing to periodontitis, try these methods to reverse the condition:
- Preventative Dental Care – Do you visit your dentist twice a year? If not, you should be! Your dentist will provide you with a thorough cleaning to remove any excess plaque and tartar buildup that you may have missed and be able to diagnose any minor problems because they become more significant health concerns.
- Oral Hygiene Routine – When diagnosed with gingivitis, it’s essential to take a step back and examine your current oral hygiene routine. Are you brushing your teeth for the recommended time of two minutes, or are you cutting your brushing short? Do you floss every day, or are you more of floss right before your dental visit type of person? Is an antibacterial mouthwash used to remove any excess bacteria that you missed? The ideal routine consists of brushing and flossing twice a day, followed by an antibacterial mouthwash. Improving your oral hygiene routine is one of the most effective ways to get your gingivitis under control.
- Diet – We’ve heard the phrase, you are what you eat — and that applies in this situation as well! The foods you eat can make your mouth more prone to bacteria buildup, thus progressing your gingivitis. Avoid foods and beverages high in sugar, such as soda, juice, fruit, candy, and refined carbohydrates. The sugary ingredients stick to your teeth, and if they aren’t cleaned thoroughly, they can flourish into bacteria that grow along the gumline.
By following these preventative measures, you’ll be doing your part in reversing your gingivitis and preventing it from developing into a more serious condition such as dental decay.
Call Bridge Creek Dental for preventative dental care
Schedule preventative dental care with Bridge Creek Dental if you believe you are suffering from early-onset gingivitis. Our team can detect small problems during your dental cleaning before turning into major health concerns such as gum disease and tooth loss.
Here at Bridge Creek Dental, we specialize in providing preventive dental care for your entire family. Give our team a call to schedule an appointment in Billings, MT.