Your smile deserves a top-notch look throughout every treatment process. Bridge Creek Dental has the aesthetic solution to straighten and align your teeth.
Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners are free of metal, brackets, and wires. Instead, a clear removable orthodontic appliance is used to manipulate teeth into proper alignment. The patient’s primary responsibility is to wear the aligners and meet with the dentist regularly. Once completed, you will have custom and cosmetic results.
Learn More About Orthodontic Work
Orthodontic work has more than just cosmetic benefits. Our team at Bridge Creek Dental utilizes orthodontic tools to help you achieve a beautiful and effective smile that can withstand tooth decay and damage.
What Is Orthodontics?
Orthodontics helps our dentists reach your oral goals of strong, straight teeth and a beaming smile! This area of dentistry focuses on diagnosing, treating, and preventing alignment issues in a patient’s teeth or jaws. These alignment issues can occur from circumstances such as crooked teeth, over/underbite, abnormal teeth from genetics, or dental trauma.
Orthodontic work is typically done with the help of oral appliances to help patients shift their teeth into place, such as the Invisalign clear aligners. Once we analyze your particular needs, we will place you on a treatment plan to efficiently place your teeth in the ideal position.
Why Is Orthodontics Important?
On top of these emotional benefits, Invisalign aligners are essential for your oral health and development. These are a few of the results you can expect from this modernized treatment.
- Maintain Healthy Habits: Invisalign aligners make it simple for patients to maintain a nutritious diet, minimize potential pain, and help their bodies perform at their best.
- Reduce Dental Damage: Teeth in the improper position are prone to excess strain that is difficult for your jawline to handle. This strain can lead to cavities and damaged teeth.
- Reshape Displaced Teeth: Even one unfortunate accident can place stress on your teeth and cause them to go out of place. Invisalign quickly fixes these complications.
Find Invisalign Treatment in Billings, MT
Invisalign aligners are very popular among adults who want discreet, easy-to-use straightening tools. While most people aren’t born with perfectly straight teeth, achieving a more even smile has never been more simple, thanks to modern orthodontic care.
What’s not to love? Here are some things people love about Invisalign:
Receive Extensive Dental Work With Smile Makeovers
You can have a straight smile soon, and an aesthetic smile now—no need to sacrifice one for the other. It’s never too late to repair previously deteriorated smiles.
Our smile makeover plan helps patients dealing with more extensive dental work often repair multiple concerns all at once! This method helps patients save time at the dentist’s and reduces the recovery time of the procedure. Invisalign aligners are a common step for patients with high-reaching concerns that help to reinforce their smile against previous damage.
Interested to see how a smile makeover will work with your particular needs? Feel free to contact our Billings, MT, office for more information.
Dealing with Jaw Pain? Invisalign Braces Could Help
Some patients overlook the fact that their chronic jaw pain may stem from crooked or misaligned teeth. Even the slightest adjustment can cause discomfort in the jawline, which can quickly turn into a serious condition, such as TMJ disorder.
If you happen to be dealing with long-standing jaw pain, feel free to schedule an initial appointment with our office. We will scan your smile to see if Invisalign aligners will work well for your needs. In other cases, we offer jaw pain treatment to help you bounce from chronic pain.
Trust Bridge Creek Dental with Your Invisalign Treatment
Bridge Creek Dental is a results-focused office centered on providing customer-oriented, long-lasting care. Here’s how we make your smile better than it started at our new office in Billings, Montana.
How Invisalign Aligners Work
As previously mentioned, Invisalign treatment is based on transparent aligners that are personalized to your smile. We will start with one set of aligners that is only slightly different than your natural smile. Once your teeth have adjusted to the density of the aligner (which takes about two weeks), we will provide another aligner that is even tighter than the last.
We will schedule occasional appointments to keep an eye on your aligners and make sure they are performing up to standard. Once your teeth reach their desired position, we will provide a retainer to help your smile stay anchored for a lifetime of future smiles.
Are Invisalign Clear Braces Uncomfortable?
Invisalign clear braces are built with your specific tooth structure in mind. This step helps the tool feel comfortable in your mouth and in public settings—they eventually work and feel similar to your natural smile.
As you start wearing each aligner, you might feel a bit of discomfort as your teeth adjust to the treatment. This discomfort is a great sign that the aligner is starting to shift your teeth to the desired position. This discomfort typically takes a few days, though, so there’s no need to be concerned about withstanding pain.
During each visit, we will adjust the aligner based on your desires to help maximize your comfort and the product’s durability.
Post-Orthodontic Care
A straight smile can best be reinforced with a proper oral care schedule. As you plan your time post-treatment, here are some things to consider to help your teeth stay in line. Dr. Wassmer and Dr. Taylor will instruct you on additional tips during your treatment, so please be in touch in case you have any other questions.
- Protect Your Teeth: If you participate in activities that might damage your teeth, such as high-contact sports, consider wearing a mouthguard to eliminate potential tooth damage.
- Avoid Tooth Strain: Tooth grinding (bruxism) and eating tough foods can place undue strain on your teeth, making them susceptible to decay and infections.
- Schedule Regular Appointments: Biannual dental appointments give our dentists time to spot dental damage before it creates longstanding damage.
Enjoy a Straighter Smile with Invisalign
Let us help boost your confidence with a straighter, more aesthetically pleasing smile! Our certified dentists at Bridge Creek Dental take pride in quality and comfortable orthodontic care. Schedule your first consultation with us!