With a good oral hygiene routine that includes brushing twice a day and flossing, many cavities and other dental decay can be kept at bay. Still, even with this dental wellness routine, it is possible that your back teeth don’t get the full brushing that they need. Known as premolars and molars, these teeth are at a higher risk of decay than your other teeth.
These very back teeth are often the ones we use the most for chewing. They have several grooves and pits on them, which can prove challenging to brush thoroughly. This can result in cavities forming, often undetected until serious damage has already been done.
A dental sealant, a protective coating for teeth, can help protect these teeth. There are some amazing benefits to dental sealants for both children and adults.
1. Protecting Teeth Against Plaque Buildup
Dental sealants protect your teeth by preventing a buildup of harmful plaque. Plaque may still accumulate and should be brushed away, but sealants protect those hard-to-reach spots on the molars. With the protective sealing of these teeth and the pits and fissures on the teeth, you can help stave off the need for root canal therapy, crowns, and the potential loss of the teeth.
2. An Added Level Of Protection For Your Dental Wellness
Even those who stick to a strict routine of brushing and flossing may not effectively reach all of the cracks and crevices on their back teeth. Dental sealants will offer that extra bit of protection for your teeth to ensure your overall dental wellness.
Dental sealants are entirely safe for patients of all ages. They are a great way to ensure that you are protecting your teeth in as many ways as possible.
3. A Pain-Free Treatment
The application of a tooth sealant is pain-free. The procedure is relatively fast, which is an added measure of relief for those who may have anxiety about the dentist. You won’t need to have your gums or teeth numbed before the procedure. The liquid sealant will be applied to each tooth’s bite surface using a small brush.
The non-invasive and pain-free nature of the treatment is what makes it an excellent choice for children.
4. Sealants Are Invisible
While your molars are typically not visible when you speak or smile, it is still reassuring for patients that the sealants dry clear. No one will be able to tell that your teeth have been sealed and protected.
5. Protects For Several Years
When your sealants are applied correctly, they should last for several years. Many patients see their sealants lasting between five and ten years. An additional benefit is that if sealants are found to be worn down or chipped, they are easy to repair. Your dentist can reapply the sealant, as needed, to ensure ongoing protection against decay.
This is just one reason why it is so important to keep up with routine dental exams for every family member. It is at these examinations that the condition of the sealant can be examined. The longevity of the sealants makes them a worthwhile investment in your ongoing dental wellness.
6. Could Be Covered By Dental Insurance
Many dental insurance plans will cover dental sealants. Sealants provide great protection against tooth decay, which makes them a good preventative treatment. Not having to pay out of pocket for your children or yourself for dental sealants is a benefit.
Dental sealants offer long-lasting protection for the teeth that are sealed. The sealant used is completely safe for use on the molars that are protected. Typically provided to protect the molars of younger patients, adults can also potentially benefit from sealants. After a thorough examination, your dentist can recommend a treatment plan that will best address your individual dental wellness needs.