How ‘bout we bust a myth about root canals? Root canals are pain free. Yes, really! However, when people hear the words ‘root canal’ they automatically think, “Ouch!” However the truth is, root canals relieve the pain of an abscessed tooth. Also, modern dental tools and anesthesia make the procedure itself painless. At Bridge Creek Dental in Billings, Montana we have all the technology to make your root canal pain free.
Why Root Canals Are Pain Free
When a tooth is damaged by infection to the point a root canal is necessary, you are in a lot of pain already. When a root canal is performed the damaged tissue is removed and the infection is cleaned out which eliminates the source of pain. The truth is on the gamut of dental procedures the root canal is the least painful, longest lasting, easiest to perform, and offers the shortest recovery. The root canal is also the only tooth-saving advanced dental procedure on a damaged tooth. Preserving the natural tooth is always in your best interest as it preserves your smile best.
New Anesthesia for Pain Free Root Canals
Anesthesia has come a long way. With the use of nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, and oral sedation medication there is really no need to ever feel any pain from a root canal. Especially if you are phobic or in the event the tooth is extremely abscessed, talk with your dentist about pain control options.
Newer Tools Lead To Better Outcomes
Your dentist has some new tools to give you a pain free root canal experience. During the procedure new nickel titanium files help the dentist thoroughly clean the root to remove all traces of infection. For stubborn roots, a device called an ‘apex locator’ may be used to help the dentist be sure the full length, or apex, of the root is debrided. Once the decayed material has been removed the remaining tooth is disinfected. The root canal can also be filled and sealed with antibacterial agents to eliminate the possibility of additional infection.
Communication Is Key
If you have concerns about root canals or worries about pain control during the procedure, talk with your dentist. Express yourself before, during, and after the procedure. The dentist is ready to help you have a pain free root canal. If you need a root canal in Billings, Montana, Bridge Creek Dental is the place to be. Our dentists are as committed as you are to having a pain free root canal. Please do not suffer in pain. Let us help you.