When your dentist discovers a cavity during your preventative dental visit, they’ll likely recommend you get a filling to prevent the cavity from worsening. While the filling will provide an easy fix, it won’t last forever — which means that you will eventually need to have the filling replaced.
Bridge Creek Dental has put together a guide to cosmetic fillings so you can rest easy knowing how long your fillings are expected to last and what you can do to make them last longer.
Types of cosmetic fillings
Before we get into how long a filling will last, we need to consider the different types of materials used for fillings. These include:
- Composite resins: Blending in with the color of your natural teeth, composite resins are a great choice for small to mid-sized cavities.
- Silver amalgam: Although cheaper than fillings made of composite resins, silver amalgam fillings are just as durable. However, they are more noticeable against your teeth due to their silver appearance.
- Gold: Gold fillings are made of a mixture of gold, copper, and other metals and, similar to silver amalgam, will stand out against your natural teeth.
How long are fillings made from each of these materials expected to last?
Is one type of filling more superior than the others?
How long do fillings last?
Although fillings are composed of durable material, they’re going to begin showing signs of wear and tear after a few years. If you’re starting to notice discomfort in a tooth that has a filling or your fillings are nearing the top of their expected lifespan, it is a good idea to schedule a preventative dental visit to have them checked out.
Here is everything you need to do in regards to how long each type of filling will last:
Silver fillings
Because silver is highly durable and resistant to damage, they have a relatively long lifespan. You can expect your silver filling to do its job for at least 10 to 15 years before needing to be replaced by your dentist.
Composite fillings
While composite resin fillings are one of the more popular choices due to their ability to blend seamlessly into an existing smile, they don’t last quite as long as silver fillings. Composite fillings can be expected to last around seven to 10 years, and when taken care of properly, may last up to 12 years.
Gold fillings
Gold fillings are composed of gold, copper, and various other metals — making them extremely durable against the wear and tear your teeth go through with chewing, grinding, and more. This hard composition allows them to last anywhere from 10 to 30 years before needing to be replaced.
How to help your fillings last longer
While most fillings will last for a decade or longer, there are measures you can take to increase the longevity of your dental fillings.
Follow these tips to maintain both your teeth and your fillings:
- Schedule regular preventative dental visits
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day
- Floss and rinse with an alcohol-free mouthwash each time you brush your teeth
- Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet
- Avoid tobacco products
- Opt for water instead of acidic beverages such as juice and soda
By following these tips, you can help increase the lifespan of your cosmetic fillings.
Call Bridge Creek Dental for dental fillings in Billings, MT
Have concerns about an existing filling or think you may have a cavity?
The Bridge Creek Dental team is standing by to answer any questions or concerns you have about improving your smile.
Contact us to schedule an appointment for dental fillings today.