Getting the right dental care is an important part of maintaining your smile. When you have a tooth that requires restorative treatment beyond a simple filling, it could be that you are referred to an endodontist for root canal therapy. Just what is an endodontist? How does the treatment offered by an endodontist differ from a general dentist? The more that you know about the professionals providing you with the care that you need, the better you’ll feel about your prescribed treatment plan.
What Treatments Do Endodontists Offer?
An endodontist is a dentist with a focus on the specialty of endodontic therapy, which is often referred to as root canal therapy. The specialized training and experience of the endodontist allows them to treat complex cases involving the root canals of the teeth. There are many cases where a decayed tooth can be saved with the right endodontic treatment.
In order to qualify as an endodontist, a trained dentist will need to pursue an additional two to three years of education in a specialty program that focuses on the field of endodontics.
With limiting their focus to endodontics, the endodontist will be able to treat concerns impacting the dental pulp. This is the collection of nerves and tissue that is found inside of the tooth. Endodontists focus almost exclusively on performing root canal therapy, which allows them to continue to build on the experience needed to ensure favorable outcomes from each procedure.
An endodontist will not perform routine dental cleanings or place fillings. Think of endodontics as a specialty within the dental field. Much like orthopedics is a specialty within the medical field.
What Treatments Do General Dentists Offer?
If you’re wondering what is an endodontist vs dentist, it is pretty straight forward. A general dentist offers a focus on many aspect of dental wellness, which could include restorative and preventative treatments. From routine checkups to professional cleanings, fillings and more. Your general dentist will work to keep your mouth, gums and teeth healthy.
Not all dentists have the experience and training that is needed to perform more complex procedures like root canal therapy. All endodontists are qualified dentists, but not all dentists are qualified to perform endodontic procedures like root canal therapy.
When Should An Endodontist Perform Root Canal Therapy?
When it comes to choosing between your dentist vs endodontist, just which one should be responsible for your root canal treatment? This can depend largely on factors that are unique to you and your tooth. If your root canal therapy is going to be on the more complex side, it may be preferable to have an endodontist handle the procedure. Perhaps you are in need of multiple root canal treatments? Endodontists have the expertise needed to ensure your comfort during complex procedures; including options for anesthesia.
Another consideration is that if your dentist does not have the immediate time available to schedule an urgent procedure, an endodontist may have more time to schedule a procedure that is considered to be an emergency. The focus of your dentist is always going to be your safety and comfort.
Both the endodontist and the general dentist are dental care professionals. There are some overlapping areas of practice, but broadly speaking they do treat different dental concerns.
Your dentist can safely and expertly complete your needed root canal therapy. If your dentist refers your treatment to an endodontist, it is because it is in your best interests to undergo the procedure done by the specialist.
There is of course a measure of comfort that can come from having your primary dentist treating you for concerns that go beyond the cleaning and simple filling.
If you are feeling discomfort or pain, do not hesitate to call your dental professionals at Bridge Creek Dental.