When you have a problem with a tooth, your dentist may recommend you get a dental crown. This artificial tooth is customized to fit your smile, restoring it to its former glory. After removing the infected portion, a porcelain crown is placed over the top of the existing tooth to improve its strength and appearance.
However, a dental crown doesn’t mean you can’t experience issues with that same tooth later. If your dental crown isn’t properly cared for, you may experience decay underneath the crown. Not only can this cause pain, but a myriad of other issues as well.
Follow along as Bridge Creek Dental explains how decay can occur under dental crowns and what you can do to resolve the problem.
Why is there decay under my dental crown?
If you suspect you’re experiencing a rotting tooth underneath your dental crown, it’s important to uncover what caused the problem so you can avoid it moving forward.
Here are a few of the top reasons why decay occurs under dental crowns:
- Poor dental hygiene – Often, dental crowns are needed because of poor oral hygiene. If the dental hygiene is still neglected after the procedure, the patient is at risk of decay under the dental crown. You should be flossing and brushing your teeth regularly, as well as visiting the dentist every six months.
- Dental crown damage – If the dental crown is damaged, it is more likely to hold onto bacteria and other buildups in your mouth. If this bacteria isn’t adequately removed, it can spread into the gums and cause an infection.
- Improper fit – When your dental crown is placed, it needs to be customized to your smile. If the dental crown is improperly fitted to your mouth, there is a greater chance of bacteria buildup, leading to tooth decay and cavities.
- Infrequent dentist visits – Visiting your dentist every six months is of the utmost importance, especially if you have dental crowns. Your dentist can determine if any issues need to be resolved before they become larger, costly, and more painful oral health problems.
Now that we understand why you may be experiencing tooth rot under your dental crown let’s determine what you need to do.
What to do about decay under dental crowns
No situation is the same, which is why you should visit a dentist that you trust. They will examine your teeth and determine the best treatment plan to resolve the decay under your dental crown.
Your dentist may suggest one of the following treatment options:
- Dental filling – Depending on when the tooth rot is caught, you may be able to have a simple dental filling procedure at the base of the crown. However, this method only works in the earliest stages, which is why it’s important to visit your dentist every six months or at the first sign of trouble.
- Root canal therapy – If the tooth decay is deep within the tooth’s center, you will likely need to undergo a root canal to save the tooth. In most cases, your dentist will replace the crown with a new crown following the root canal.
- Crown lengthening – In some instances, it may be recommended that you undergo crown lengthening, which surgically removes bone so the dentist can access the tooth rot along the side of your tooth. Similarly, a new crown will need to be placed over the top of the tooth.
Dental crowns from Bridge Creek Dental
If you are interested in receiving a dental crown from our dentists or other dental services, contact us today for an appointment and start the process to move you further towards your dream smile.