There’s nothing quite like the fresh feeling after a professional dental cleaning. Your professional dental cleaning is an opportunity to remove the accumulated tartar on and between your teeth.
Removing tartar from your teeth does more than leave your teeth feeling fresh and looking their bright best. It can help to protect your teeth against decay and other serious oral infections.
That’s why so many people wonder if it is safe to remove tartar from their teeth at home or not.
What Is Tartar?
Tartar is the result of plaque that has built up on and between your teeth. Dental plaque is a sticky and soft film that accumulates on your teeth.
When plaque is allowed to accumulate, it can lead to several troublesome dental concerns, including damage to the enamel on your teeth. Plaque can typically be well managed with regular teeth brushing and flossing.
If it is not removed routinely through good dental hygiene, plaque can harden your teeth and form tartar. Tartar buildup strongly bonds to your teeth, making it difficult to address through brushing and flossing alone.
Removing Tartar At Home
Have you given thought to what it might take to address and remove tartar from your teeth on your own, in your own home?
You may even come across products that include kits for removing tartar in the comfort of your home. There are also homemade treatments that make claims of removing the tartar on and between your teeth.
While it is tempting, it is not advisable to address tartar without the guidance of your dental professionals.
Prevention is absolutely the best cure when it comes to your dental health. Brush, floss, and use a quality mouth rinse at least twice a day. This will help to control the levels of plaque on your teeth. In turn, this can prevent the potential for a buildup of tartar on your teeth.
Risks Of Tartar Removal At Home
Kits that claim to make it easy to remove tartar at home can often contain sharp and dangerous tools that have the potential to damage your teeth and your gums. They could potentially dislodge your fillings or lead to an injury that has the potential to become infected.
This is not worth the risk. The same is true for home remedies that include vinegar and essential oils. Unless your dental professional has recommended the products, they may not be the safest or healthiest of options to consider.
Working On Prevention
We can’t offer you any tips for removing tartar at home. However, we can provide guidance to help you to minimize the accumulation of tartar. You know just how important it is to brush after every meal, floss, and use mouthwash. These healthy habits truly cannot be overstated.
Avoid food and drinks with high levels of acidity. The same holds true for food and beverages that are sugary.
Drink plenty of fresh water and enjoy those healthy fruits and vegetables at every meal. Water is one of the best things you can drink, as it does more than keep your body hydrated. It helps to rinse food debris from your teeth between brushing.
Routine visits to your dentist and dental hygienist can have a tremendous positive impact on your overall dental wellness, particularly when it comes to tartar on and between your teeth. At these visits, your teeth can get a professional cleaning that will address the tartar in the safest and most efficient of ways. Gingivitis can also be treated to help you to restore good health to your gums.
Your teeth will look and feel beautifully clean, with the bonus of your dentist being able to assess the health of your teeth so that other treatments can be recommended.
It can be very tempting to believe the marketing jargon on packaged kits and solutions that promise to remove the tartar that may be your teeth, particularly if you have some anxiety about visits to see your dentist. Your dental wellness is such an essential part of your overall health and wellness. Several solutions can be incorporated into your treatment plan to reduce your anxiety and stress about a visit to the dentist.