Going to the dentist isn’t something children usually enjoy, even the family-friendly dentist office we have here at Bridge Creek Dental. Even worse is when there is something wrong with their teeth when they come in.
It is best when parents understand what issues may come up with their children’s teeth and why the dentist may recommend repairing or the extraction of a child’s baby tooth. That way parents can explain to their children and help them be less afraid as they come into our office and understand why they are undergoing the procedure.
When To Repair Baby Teeth
It is best to leave baby teeth in their position until their permanent replacements have begun to move in, as it helps the adult teeth emerge in the correct position. With this end in mind, the dentist will choose to repair a baby tooth when:
- Knocked out – If kept moist, the tooth can be reinserted and re-root until it is time for it to be displaced by the permanent tooth.
- Decay – If your child has developed a cavity, the top priority is to fill the cavity and keep the decay from spreading, as it can damage other teeth and the nerves in the jaw.
- Speech development – Children who are missing several teeth find it difficult to learn to pronounce words properly as they can’t get their mouths to form the sounds correctly.
Time To Pull The Baby Tooth
However, there are times when it is necessary for the removal of a troublesome baby tooth. A dentist will recommend the removal of a baby tooth when:
- Abscess formation – Should tooth decay spread through an untreated baby tooth, an abscess (painful pocket of pus) can occur near the area of decay. Along with needing to extract the dying tooth, the child could be in serious danger and need to be hospitalized to help combat the infection.
- Delayed eruption – Baby teeth have a basic and natural schedule they follow for when they are to be pushed out by permanent teeth. However, a dentist may notice that one or more of the baby teeth are being stubborn and will not move out of the way of the new adult tooth. As long as you have regular dental visits, your dentist will be able to assess if your child is losing their teeth according to schedule.
Preventative Future Practices
The enamel on baby teeth is much thinner than adult teeth, so they are more prone to decay. Parents need to take proactive measures when it comes to their children’s dental health and help their children develop lifelong oral hygiene practices. Some of the basics are:
- Start before they have teeth
- Set up a routine
- Have a reward system
- Schedule regular dental visits
- Be an example
By helping your children develop these good practices, you can help them alleviate some of the terror of going to the dentist and save money on their healthy teeth!