Do You Have What it Takes to Find the Bridge Creek Dental Rock?
Bridge Creek Dental is sponsoring a community scavenger hunt for the “Bridge Creek Dental Rock”. The person who finds this rock will win:
- $5,000 total
- $4,000 for themselves
- $1,000 for the School PTA or PTO of their choice!
If you are lucky and find The Bridge Creek Rock be sure to stay where you found it and give us a call at (406) 652-1600.
Our goal with this is to find a way to help our local schools, and at the same time get family and friends out into the community, discovering more of this wonderful city. The hunt won’t be easy, but it will be worth it!
The hunt for the Bridge Creek Rock started on September 18th, with clues given out weekdays at 9:00AM, 12:00PM & 5:00PM on the radio at The Planet 106.7 FM.
You will also have an an opportunity to get ‘secret’ clues by:
- Subscribing to the email newsletter above
- Liking Bridge Creek Dental’s Facebook Page
Updates and the ‘secret’ clues will be given out via email each weekday at 9:15AM and 5:15PM.
While you are looking for the rock, make sure to take pictures and share them on Facebook! #BridgeCreekRock
Let’s have some fun, win enough cash to have even more fun, and help out our amazing local schools!
PS – Remember, as you hunt for the rock, please respect public and personal property and keep things civil!